The NMT04 NanoMechanical Testing System stands at the forefront of in-situ SEM/FIB nanoindentation technology. Leveraging FemtoTools' exclusive MEMS technology, it provides unmatched precision for analyzing materials on the micro- and nanoscale.
With MEMS-based force sensors, the NMT04 boasts exceptional resolution, repeatability, and dynamic response. This system is ideal for nanoindentation of metals, ceramics, thin films, and micro-scale structures like metamaterials and MEMS. It features expandable capabilities via accessories for diverse research fields.
It excels in applications such as micro-compression testing, tensile testing of thin films or nanowires, and fracture testing of micro-beams. This provides precise quantification of plastic deformation, crack growth, and fracture toughness. Its compact design fits most commercial SEMs, enabling comprehensive correlative analysis with techniques like EBSD and EDX.
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Key Features
- 01 Unmatched Dynamic Range
- 02 True Displacement Control
- 03 Open Measurement Frame

Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS)-based force sensors have an unmatched dynamic range of up to 100 kHz, thanks to their exceptionally small mobile mass and high stiffness. Moreover, the fine fabrication tolerances of MEMS achieve the lowest possible noise floor, reaching down to 500 pN.
up to 100 kHz |
down to 500 pN |

Displacement-controlled nanoindentation is essential for measuring and comparing mechanical properties at consistent indentation depths, ensuring the probing of equivalent material volumes.
Native displacement control |

The NMT04 is specially-designed to work seamlessly with Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) or Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) detectors inside the SEM. Its open measurement frame enables simultaneous observation and analysis of the evolution of the microstructure of the sample during mechanical testing.

Micro-Pillar Compression
In-situ micro-compression experiments in the SEM allow direct observation of plastic deformation during testing. Displacement control allows deformation to precise strains and preserves deformed structures for subsequent analysis.
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Micro-Cantilever Testing
In-situ bending tests, using micro-cantilevers prepared by lithography or FIB, offer insight into materials’ performance under complex shear stress and fracture conditions – allowing direct crack path observation with stress-strain analysis under controlled displacements.
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Micro-Tensile Testing
Tensile testing is the gold standard for assessing materials’ ductility and work hardening behavior. Micro-tensile testing extends this technique to the microstructural scale, facilitating the measurement of properties of individual phases, grains, or interfaces.
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Simultaneous Mechanical Testing with STEM/EBSD
FemtoTools SEM nanoindenters allow for real-time mechanical testing and microscopy (STEM/EBSD/DIC), capturing both crystallographic evolution and force reactions.
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Nanoindentation assesses the local mechanical behavior of a material by pressing a sharp tip into its surface and measuring the force needed to create an indent. This technique measures local mechanical properties (including hardness, elastic modulus, strain rate sensitivity, and others) directly from the material's response.
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High-Temperature Testing
Temperature changes the mechanical behavior of materials. It is crucial for assessing operando mechanical properties, under conditions close to their target application. Using precision MEMS heating to achieve rapid temperature matching and thermal control, stable measurements can be performed even at high temperatures.
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Scratch Testing
Scratch is a critical method for assessing materials’ adhesion, hardness, and resistance to wear - especially for coatings. It provides quantitative data on material durability and performance by scribing a hard tip across the surface and measuring the required force and the resulting topography.
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Mechanical Microscopy
Nanoindentation mapping, or mechanical microscopy, employs a nanoindenter in a microscope-like manner. It enables the mapping of mechanical properties of intricate microstructures in minutes, thanks to the integration of rapid indentation speeds and precise spatial resolution.
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Correlative Mechanical Microscopy
Correlative mechanical microscopy merges nanoindentation with additional microscopy methods. This integration of various data layers enables precise phase identification by including elemental or crystallographic analysis in the mechanical measurement.
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Strain-Rate Control
Time, like temperature, is a key parameter for materials deformation. Speed determines the active deformation mechanism. Strain-rate control during testing achieves the most consistent results and allows exploring the material's response from creep to impact, even within a single indent.
Read MoreAccessories
- 01 High-Temperature Module
- 02 Scratch Testing Module
- 03 Rotation Stage Module
- 04 Nano-Tensile Testing Chip
- 05 Microforce Sensing Probes
- 06 Two-Axis Microforce Probes
- 07 High-Temperature Probes
High-Temperature Module
The high-temperature module enables mechanical testing, such as nanoindentation, micro-pillar compression, micro-cantilever bending, micro-tensile testing at controlled temperatures up to 800°C. In combination with our microforce sensing probes featuring tip heating, controlled isotherm testing is possible.
Scratch Testing Module
Combining an exchangeable sample stage with a piezoscanner and a FemtoTools 2-Axis Microforce Sensing Probe enables advanced techniques, such as nano-scratch and nano-wear testing, as well as SPM imaging, by facilitating the in-plane movement of the sample while simultaneously applying a normal force.
Rotation Stage
The rotation stage permits the rotary alignment of samples to the indenter tip, making it possible to test multiple samples in one session by using the rotation stage as a sample revolver. Additionally, it simplifies correlative nanomechanical testing by allowing the sample to be rotated easily between the indentation and imaging positions.
*Currently not available in the USA and Japan.
Nano-Tensile Testing Chip
This MEMS-based Tensile Testing Chip consists of a movable body that is suspended by four flexures within an outer, fixed frame. It enables the tensile testing of samples thin enough to be electron-transparent, allowing for simultaneous imaging with Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) or Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction (TKD).
Microforce Sensing Probes
The FT-S Microforce Sensing Probes are sensors capable of measuring forces from sub-nanonewton to 2 newtons along the sensor’s probe axis. They are available with a wide variety of tip materials and geometries, including diamond Berkovich, cube corner, flat punch, wedge, conical, and more. Specialized versions, featuring 2-axis force sensing or tip heating, are also available.
Two-Axis Microforce Sensing Probes
The FT-S Two-Axis Microforce Sensing Probes are Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) based multi-axis microforce sensors capable of simultaneous measuring forces in the two in-plane directions. The primary application for these sensors is nano-scratch, nano-tribology and nano-wear testing.
High-Temperature Microforce Sensing Probes
The FT-S High-Temperature Microforce Sensing Probes are Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) based microforce sensors capable of measuring forces from 200mN to 2 µN. Furthermore, with the monolithically integrated tip heater, the temperature of the nanoindenter tip can be accurately matched to the temperature of the sample, enabling isothermal testing conditions.
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B. E. Rhodes et al., ‘Deformation mechanisms and defect structures in Heusler intermetallic MnCu2Al’, Acta Materialia, p. 119711, 2024.
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D. Hernández-Escobar, A. Slagter, S. P. Amarillo, and A. Mortensen, ‘Room-temperature strength of the interfacial bond between silica inclusions and iron’, Acta Materialia, vol. 263, p. 119502, 2024.
M. Freisinger, A. Trausmuth, R. Hahn, and E. Badisch, ‘Influence of the evolution of near-surface rail wheel microstructure on crack initiation by micro-bending investigations’, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, vol. 238, no. 2, pp. 249–255, Feb. 2024, doi: 10.1177/09544097231191550.
M. Freisinger, M. R. Ripoll, and R. Hahn, ‘Unveiling the mechanical properties of near-surface microstructures in tribological contacts via in-situ micro-bending tests’, Tribology International, vol. 191, p. 109190, 2024.
M. Freisinger, S. Fellner, C. Gammer, H. Riedl, and R. Hahn, ‘Stratified surface layers affecting crack propagation in wheel-rail contacts’, Tribology International, vol. 192, p. 109319, 2024.
A. Dhal et al., ‘Multimodal and multiscale strengthening mechanisms in Al-Ni-Zr-Ti-Mn alloy processed by laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing’, Materials & Design, vol. 237, p. 112602, 2024.
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L. Borasi and A. Mortensen, ‘Intermittent tensile deformation of silver microcastings: Influence of the strain rate’, Scripta Materialia, vol. 239, p. 115820, 2024.
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J. Zhang, J. Ke, B. Wang, and X. Chen, ‘Plastic Avalanches in Metal–Organic Framework Crystals Due to the Dynamic Phase Mixing’, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, vol. 15, no. 47, pp. 54692–54701, Nov. 2023, doi: 10.1021/acsami.3c13480.
J. Zhang, J. Ke, B. Wang, and X. Chen, ‘Plastic avalanches in metal-organic framework crystals’. arXiv, Jul. 27, 2023. Accessed: Mar. 22, 2024.
L. Zauner et al., ‘Influence of Si segregates on the structural evolution, mechanical properties, and high-temperature fracture toughness of Cr-Si-B2\pmz coatings’, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 958, p. 170354, 2023.
A. Turki, B. Guelorget, V. Optasanu, M. François, F. Herbst, and N. Njah, ‘Microstructure and activation volume of a Cu-6 wt% Zn brass processed by equal channel angular pressing’, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 968, p. 171974, 2023.
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A. Slagter, J. Everaerts, L. Deillon, and A. Mortensen, ‘Strong silicon oxide inclusions in iron’, Acta Materialia, vol. 242, p. 118437, 2023.
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M. Freisinger, L. Zauner, R. Hahn, H. Riedl, and P. H. Mayrhofer, ‘In-situ micro-cantilever bending studies of a white etching layer thermally induced on rail wheels’, Materials Science and Engineering: A, vol. 869, p. 144805, 2023.
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Z. Gao, J. Buchinger, N. Koutná, T. Wojcik, R. Hahn, and P. H. Mayrhofer, ‘Ab initio supported development of TiN/MoN superlattice thin films with improved hardness and toughness’, Acta Materialia, vol. 231, p. 117871, 2022.
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A. Dhal, S. Thapliyal, S. Gaddam, P. Agrawal, and R. S. Mishra, ‘Multiscale hierarchical and heterogeneous mechanical response of additively manufactured novel Al alloy investigated by high-resolution nanoindentation mapping’, Scientific Reports, vol. 12, no. 1, p. 18344, 2022.
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